Born in 1960 in Brittany, Hervé Lenouvel spent his childhood in the countryside, near the forest of Brocéliande. Coming from a rural background, he became interested in drawing, then in painting at a very early age and established a very close, almost spiritual relationship with nature, which has remained his main source of inspiration since then.
Self-taught, Hervé devoured books on different techniques and tried several types of painting such as watercolour and gouache before finally settling on oil paint, whose viscosity offered him a sensuality that he would not find in any other medium.
At the beginning of his career, Hervé Lenouvel moved towards a rather figurative style, then adopted a more instinctive approach, developing a suggestive pictorial writing, bordering on the abstract, even if he defends himself: “Although I am considered an abstract painter, in my soul I am a very figurative person, since my subjects are directly linked to figuration, and I think that this abstraction is in the eyes of others.”
Nature is still his only source of inspiration. It is for him a space of immense freedom. His interpretations are the result of his observations and memories of the landscapes that surround him. During his daily walks, he mentally imprints the places and is inspired by all that nature can offer him, the sun, the rain, the wind, the dead leaves, the buds, the morning and evening light…