Marshall Crossman has been a studio painter for over 35 years, and has always been fascinated by the alchemy & expression of paint. Primarily she paints in oil on canvas. Oil paint is a very elastic medium with rich color, which will stay wet for several days. Marshall works wet into wet, using brushes and pieces of plastic to move the paint. She is constantly exploring the canvas’s surface. Her painting process allows for a lot of spontaneity in both paint handling and color. She begins a painting with a basic concept, and wanders through many stages of paint action and destruction before arriving at a finish that feels resolved.
When Crossman relocated to San Francisco in 1977, she was very influenced by the Bay Area figurative painters. The figures in her paintings are abstracted by motion, water and emotion. She paints in a series, often working on several paintings at the same time. These series include: Women Shopping, Swimmers, Class Photo Series, Beach Series, Pacifica, Portugal, and Flux. Monotype, a painterly printmaking technique, is another area of exploration. She began experimenting with watercolor in 2008 as an Artist-in-Residence at Foundation Obras in Portugal.